Fiskars Xact™
Iepazīsti Fiskars jaunākos rakšanas darbarīkus. To dizains un vieglums Tev ļaus izbaudīt dārza darbus.
Fiskars Xact™
Iepazīsti Fiskars jaunākos rakšanas darbarīkus. To dizains un vieglums Tev ļaus izbaudīt dārza darbus.
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FiberComp™ kāts
Xact Commercial
How can you get carried away digging with a spade when it's usually such hard work? Fiskars Xact spades have the edge over the competition thanks to superior lightweight construction and design that make digging, planting and edging a downright pleasure.
Xact Range All Tools
Fiskars Xact™ range of digging tools includes a digging spade, an edging spade, two different forks and a great lightweight shovel all designed to revolutionize the most basic of gardening tasks.
Xact Spades
Fiskars Xact range of spades offers a new take on this classic garden tool thanks to carefully considered design, the combination of modern materials and the inclusion of two different sizes -- large and medium to better fit the needs of taller and shorter users.
Xact Shovel
Fiskars Xact™ range of digging tools wouldn't be complete without a winning shovel for when you need to move those bulk materials like sand or compost in the garden or doing construction work.
Xact Forks
Fiskars Xact™ digging forks are available in both medium and large sizes to make the perfect fit for taller and shorter gardeners and are perfect for aerating, weeding of larger areas and breaking up soil.
Pārdomāts dizains
Mēs revolucionizējām dizaina principus klasiskajiem darbarīkiem un tā rezultātā radījām tos labākus, gudrākus, vieglāk lietojamus un efektīvākus.
Visi Fiskars Xact™ darba rīki ir radušies intensīvas materiālu, konstrukciju, ergonomikas un izpildes testēšanas rezultātā.
Rezultāti liecina paši par sevi. Kompozītmateriāla un tērauda konstrukcija padara šos darbarīkus vieglus, tie nenoslogo muskuļus, kā arī uzlabo rakšanas efektivitāti. Pieejamas gan lielas, gan vidējas lāpstas un liekšķeres dažāda auguma cilvēkiem.